The Australian Bush has the world’s oldest and most prolific flowering of native plants. The Australian land is relatively “unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy” – Ian White, Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences. Our native bush flowers exhibit tremendous beauty and strength that capture the power of this land, and hold a great potential for healing.
Janice grew up in the Australian bush and from a very young age would say “…. you know mum, if we get sick on earth, the earth will heal us!”
Janice is now an Advanced Practitioner in using essences from native bush flowers to take advantage of their rare remedial qualities. The combination of essences will vary from client to client, as everyone’s needs are varied and different.
However, case studies and research suggest they commonly:
- Calm – restore peace, tranquility
- Foster clarity, discernment, decision-making
- Boost confidence, conviction, focused behavior
- Enhance commitment, ability to achieve the best